
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Book Review, (Faust) Eric by Terry Pratchett

     So as I mention earlier today there are a few books I need to finish reports on... and seeing how I currently planing to increase my goals of wighting to crazy I might as well try to keep up on the goals I already have. Over the past year I have now read 26 of the 38 diskworld books.... thats a lot of books since its not the only books I have read this year...

(Faust) Eric 
by  Terry Pratchett
     There is a world that is carried through space on the back of four great Elephants who stand on the back of a giant turtle who is swimming through space with an unknown destination. This world is shaped as a disk, a round circle peppered with mountains across its center (know as the hub), and great waterfalls that crash over the edge and shower the elephants below.
     Rincewind is a Wizard, he even has a hat that says so. He also has a way of getting stuck in the middle of things he'd much rather have nothing to do with. Through miss-adventure he ended up stuck in the Dungeon Dimensions (see my review of Sorcery).
     Eric is a demonologist, he may be only 13 and may be less demonoligist more lucky. After studying his grand father's books he opens a door to the Dungeon Dimensions and summons a Demon... well... Rincewind (though the Luggage is thought of by many as a Demon...).  Eric demands that his demon grant him three wishes and even though Rincewind tells him its not possible it seems to work. Well... as well as any wish granted by a demon would work that is....
     The disworld books are written in a different formant, there aren't any chapters, which other than not giving me a place to stop reading when I need to sleep doesn't really change much. I also like how even though this is one story that is part of a 38 book serous (and even though it directly takes place after another book) it doesn't matter one bit when you read it in relation to the other books. This can be said of every one of the disk world books. Each story you read developed the world more and more in my head, but none of them go in to extensive details about things that happened before (boring you if you have read it). It really doesn't matter to your understanding of the current story.
     Rincwind is very bothered by the laws of Nature that the world he lives on doesn't follow. He sometimes wishes that the world was a nice sphere shape with a center of liquid rock.... but the world just doesn't work like that.

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