
Friday, August 29, 2014

Summer of Art, Summer of Book Reviews, and My Return to Blogging over the Summer of 2014

     Today is the last free day I have of summer and its raining. There is five days until school starts. Two of them I am working, One I am spending at a Con playing with a puppet I don't really know who it is... Monday I may or may not hang out with my dad and watch airplanes... and today.
     Today I am going to clean... because appartments always need to be cleaned... but I am also going to do one last Art Assignment of the summer. I don't mean that it will be the last one I do ever... just the last of I do this summer.
     My summer has been a lot like this weekend. 2/5ths of it has been working, 1/5 has been hanging with friends and family, 1/5 cleaning, and 1/5 has been both visual art and written art. This feels like its been a productive balance between the parts that feel like "real life" too me and the parts that feel "magical", the creative place that I am always wishing to be.
     This means that School is largely on my mind right now. How I plan to balance school, as well as how I plan to continue the life giving habits I have developed over the summer. The Art Assignment has been a lart help in this because the projects given are simple but can be made as complicated as you wish. This means that I should be able to continue with them as the summer moves into the fall.
     For writing this summer I have continued my long standing habit of posting book reviews of every book I read. This has been enhanced by the Review day Book Day challenge to post book reviews every tuesday... I am not that good at that because my reviews are generally kinda long... and I don't always finish a book a week.
     New projects that I am looking into for this fall outside of that are a Photo a Day Challenge for one month, provided by a Nerdfighter Group on facebook and Opening an Etsy store to sell clothing. I have also been editing the super long story I worked on all last year, and maybe I will do NaNoWriMo for real this year.
     This summer has been productive. I am where I want to be right now. I would definitely like to keep it this way.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I have a cat,

I have a cat, her name is Noel. I have a new kitten... she hasn't told me her name yet.
I am happy right now. I have spend the day on the couch in my pajamas. This is acceptable because my foot is fractured and moving is raver annoying. I have also moved more than I would have liked this week so ya staying on the couch with the kitties.
I have had noel for almost 6 years. She has traveled on the train, car, ttc , and air plane. I am happy because she is happy. We got a kitten because I thought she was lonely. The first few days looked not to good but all is good now. They play cat together. Noel is teaching little kitty to fight. And its funny to watch little kitty watch noel... ("oh its bath time, ok" *stars cleaning herself too*).
Today we are three cats on a couch... though one doing physics...

I want to remember this moment forever. I love noel, and welcome to the family little kitty...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Feeling like an Author

So I have an idea for my 2011 NANO, and this year I am doing things in a different way. A way that has me sitting here at the Toronto Reference Library with books that you have to get someone else to find from the stacks for you! I havn't ever had to ask for that kind of book before so it feels neat... Though I am getting hungry and about ready to stop from reading the advanced analysis of a way of writing I did find one very interesting book.
I felt like writing here about my NANO planing... not much to say yet but maybe soon.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I finished Highschool... Again!

So my two year adventure in taking highschool courses online is done. After 7 classes and two years and way to many exams I am DONE! I don't know if I did better or worse than I would have taking them in real highschool... but If I had taken them I wouldn't remember it for starting school now anyways... School starts kinda on the 29th with a English test (like the grade 10 one) and then a week of random events and playing with people as Frosh (there will be a point where I sit in a bath tub full of purple die...). I also start Fresh Meat training for Derby! So everything that is exciting starts in 25 days... till then I have two raven events... two derby tournaments and not a lot else to do...
That not a lot else will probably turn into Eq2 and sewing... though I want to work out the plan for my Nano Novel now... i'm thinking a epistolary novel. I was contemplating that or a journal kind last year. But I think its a little harder than just writing, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I can do NaNo. I know this now. Since it's never going to be my intention to sell the thing lets try something worth trying. Book one was nonsense space thing... this year... epistolary... there's so many ways to take it... lovers... family... maybe a kid writing to her grandma... best friends... threw time lol... step one idea... step two... read some epistolary books and learn about the stile. 25 days of nothing to do? Na, lets do something real with this time!
Ok now to go write about some books I have read because its been way too long since I did that!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

School, Exams... books and video games

With posting the books reviews on the other blog now theres less and less I am writing here. Though really those are few and far between right now. The e-reader has give me more and more and more books I want to read but I still haven't finished as many as I would like. Now I did just read The Wise Man's Fear which is over 1000 pages so that took a bit. A 1000 page book is just the thing you want to read on a e-reader. Make's the convince of it so wonderful.
I am going to Ryerson University for Engineering. After two years and seven high school credits there we go. Now I am currently at the library making sure I am able to get over 50% on the second try of my Calculus and vectors exam (and terrified that I wont I might add). But all in all there we have it. Pass the exam, finish chem (pass that exam) and that's it. As of September I will REALLY be in school... and we just keep on doing this for another 4-5 years.... At least I will be done teaching myself. I am really starting to feel that theres no more I can do as far as teaching myself...
I never did end up fixing the 50 000 words from last November into a readable form that could be turned into a create space book. Its always been in the back of my mind but not quite a true interest. I don't think I am like a lot of the people who write for NaNo. A large part of them Truly do want to be writers. They want to be published. I just want to write. I just want to create. I wrote. I created 1667 words a day. I created a lode of nonsence. But it was fun. And event though I know I will be in class this year when it is happening I really do want to do it again. Maybe this time I will have some money to donate to them, and get the Buttons that represent accomplishments (I love buttons if you didn't know).
The other new thing that has entered my life is Roller Derby. I haven't started skating yet, (don't even have skates yet, waiting for Tax money :D), but the only game I missed this year they were in Montreal. I am excited. I should be able to start late august.
Raven is still raven. It always looks like its growing by the end of one year, and then it starts back again with the same 7 people... I wish there was a way to pump up the attendance... anyone want to explore the odd fun that is LARPing? It is both more interesting and more fun than you ever realized... and exactly as nerdy. Just remember that no one who isn't playing will see you and its all good. Its easy to be ridiculous when others are too...
Thats about it for my life right now, Math and Chem fill my days dispersed by Everquest 2, and books. With the odd trip to the Science center now and again... and a roller derby game or a raven event on the weekend... not a bad life to be honest... though if anyone wanted to take a math exam for me i'd be quite happy.

Monday, April 4, 2011

It's going...

So I realized that its been two days over a month since I said anything here so that probably mens I need to put something. I have done a few book revues on the other blog, did some art for the layout too just didn't computerize it and get it all set up... There is also one review I started and didn't finish and I want to write a review about my NEW Kobo e-reader (yay!!) as well.  
It's hard to explain the excitement about getting a thing to read books on and then being TOO excited to sit and axially read a book on it. It was kinda funny to be honest. Raven's first true event of the season is this coming weekend, also will be my first time at a roller derby event. 
One exam is done, have to do the calculus one and finish chemistry so I can get that done. Need to get some real job search going on too. Did a bit a few weeks ago but need to do it a bit more hard core... 
I am finding myself majorly hindered these days about how much I care. I cared to look for a job when mom made me mad... I cared about school when the exam was about to happen... but realy in general everyday-niss I am kinda finding it hard... 
I need to change this attitude. Good things keep happening lately, I won an I-pod (which I turned into a e-reader), and I won a card game from Nintendo (not so much won but put codes into club-Nintendo... but it really is the coolest thing ever!) Getting free review books, and chances to go with Stefan to Seneca casino. I am even going to a play with Auntie Corrinne on Wednesday for free (a friend has a seasons pass and cant go so shes giving them to us)! 
There are lots of good things happening... I think its just me I am upset with. But I can decide not to be. So this moment now I am not upset. I will do what I ask myself to do. Not just ignore what I require as if I don't really matter. 
/Sigh... it's just so much work... :P who ever wants to do work...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New House, old town... life back to normal again

So I am back in TO, We have our new place and things are prity much back to normal. Playing eq2 a lot :D... I love that game... but usually only for three months or so... then I need a break.
I need to get on the finding a job thing... I hate looking for a job... probably because I have been looking for a job for two years now its kinda gotten to be a pain...
I had another Idea too, I think I am going to start putting the book reviews in another Blog... one thats dedicated for that kind of thing... might possibly make it into a real blog vs. this little diary thing. I just finished Old man in the Sea so I should have one on that book soon and I got a review book from Library thing so thats kinda neat too... though so far I think its kinda Meh...
Life is a lot of EQ2, Unpacking/ cleaning, School and Looking for a job... probably not enough of the last too but ya...
So from now on the book reviews can be found at Continually Reading. It surprisingly took me a lot less time to come up with that name than Day Dream Creations... and it really sounds right. I guess I will have to find something more new to put into here to make it look like this blog is active in any way... hmm...
